Saturday, 26 February 2011

Avian Starseeker

I decided to get a bit more aperture for the short focus imaging scope. So I've ordered an Avian Starseeker from Ace Cameras. This is a 100mm F6 ED Doublet Refractor and it has got some good reviews.

When I get it I'll take some pics and do a review of it for the website and the blog.

Compared to the WO Megrez 80II FD, I'll get about 1.56x light grasp and 1.25x better resolution. The focal length is 600mm as opposed to 555mm so the image scale will be slightly larger (i.e. it will give a smaller field of view), but I'm expecting the images to be much the same sort of view.

Also at F6 instead of F6.9 it is a faster scope, so I should record relatively more photons in a given time.

Will need some clear night though.




Oh dear, the weather is awful. I haven't been able to get out into the observatory for a follow on session for the Cone Nebula. By the time a clear night arrives it will probably be too late and I'll have to wait until next year.



Sunday, 20 February 2011

2010 to 2011 season images uploaded to Cymbeline Observatory Website

I finished off the album of images that I've taken with the Atik383L+ camera and uploaded it to the website. Here's a taster,

I hope you enjoy the new images.



Saturday, 19 February 2011

Website updated.

I updated the website today. Over the next few days I will be putting a load of new stuff up there. I'll also try and keep posting here. I have a year's worth of images to go up and it has been an exciting and different year.

Friday, 18 February 2011

First post using Blogger

Well, I had a go at blogging using Pivot, but it got a lot of abuse and umwanted registrations, so I've deleted it from the website and replaced it with this. Hopefully this will be easier to maintain from day to day. If this suffers the same way then I'll give it up.

