Sunday 9 September 2012

Summer now over, ready for the new season.

I've upgraded the Observatory PC this summer. It now has Windows 7 instead of Windows XP, so i've been slowly testing everything out to make sure it all still works.

It got a new graphics card, more memory and a new monitor.

I've had to redownload the drivers for a lot of the kit, and the last one was for the LX200 just last week. Now I have the guiding working again I'm in positioin to start imaging for the new season.

Then Virginmedia wanted to upgrade my broadband modem. Once they'd left I'd got a good internet connection, but the wired network in the house and out to the Observatory wasn't working.

I ended up installing a 2nd network card into my PC to provide the internal wired network. Took me a couple of days to sort that one out.

Anyway I'm in business again, so watch here and the website for my latest images.



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