Sunday 13 November 2011

Soul Nebula in narrowband

I had another go at narrowband imaging on the 28th October. It wasn't a bad night, but I did get one or two interruptions from low cloud. I managed to get started early and got the flats done before 8 p.m.

Three hours later I'd gotten all the data (1 hour in each filter, 12 off 5 minute exposures).

Here's the result,



Sunday 16 October 2011

First foray into Narrow Band imaging

It was clear last night, but there was a bright moon washing out the sky. So I decided to have a go at imaging something in narrowband filters (Ha, OIII and SII).

IC1396, The Elephant Trunk Nebula was the chosen target.

This is seven exposures of 480 secs in SII, Ha and OIII. Stacked in Maxim DL5, then processed in CS3 using Bob Franke's techniques as explained here,

My tracking wasn't too good at the high northerly declination so I had to do a gaussian blur to try and get the stars roundish and they have suffered a bit, but for my first go at NB I'm really chuffed.

Atik383L+, through Avian Starseeker 100, piggybacked on 12" LX200 and guided with QHY5 and 50mm finderscope using PHD.



Sunday 4 September 2011

1st September, Comet Garrad and Coathanger

It was clear(ish) for the first time in a long while on Thursday night, so I took the opportunity of imaging Comet Garrad as it a approached the Coathanger (Brocchi's Cluster), the image also captured NGC 6802.

This is stacked from 10 off 60 second exposures in each of RGB filters with Maxim DL. The comet moved considerably in the 40 or so minutes that it took and it's image is streaked.

So, I also made an animation from the individual red frames.

This clearly show the movement.



Tuesday 16 August 2011

Getting ready for the new season.

Well, following the usual break from imaging during the summer I've been getting things ready for the new season.

First up was the addition of a permanent guidescope. The Antares 50mm RACI finder that I was using has been permanantly converted for guiding and mounted on top of the Avian Starseeker. A new antares 50mm RACI finder was purchased for visual use.

Then i sent teh Atik383L+ back to Atik for cleaning. They did a great job and no charge which was a bonus.

At the weekend Cymbeline Observatory got treated to a good hoover and clean up. Got rid of all the summer cobwebs and spiders.

Next to do is get the new finder aligned with the LX200 and the guide scope aligned with the Avian Starseeker. Followed by a bit of drift aligning to get the polar alignment as good as I can.

Then I'll just need some clear nights!



Saturday 6 August 2011

Dawn Mission: News & Events > Image of Vesta Captured by Dawn on July 31, 2011


I’ve been keeping a watch on this site for the Dawn mission for a couple of weeks now. It’s very interesting and real great that NASA are continuing their solar system exploration going.



Dawn Mission: News & Events > Image of Vesta Captured by Dawn on July 31, 2011

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Back at New Mexico Skies

Well, I'm back in New Mexico, spending 4 nights at New Mexico Skies. So far the nights have been magnificent. I've been imaging from 21:30 to at least 2:30 and I'm getting about 5 targets per night.

Here's one I took on the 2nd night (did this at about 3:00 a.m.). This is only roughly processed, as I don't have my full facilities with me, once I get back I'll work on it some more.



Sunday 1 May 2011

Last one from home before August?

Kind of traditional (well did it last year with the DSLR - and it was my last from home before August).

But this year I'm going to make a special effort to keep going over the summer if I can.

The Leo Triplet. Clockwise from the top, NGC 3268, M65 and M66. One of my favourite groupings and imaged well into the summer galaxy period. I hope to do some others this year.

3 off 8 minute exposures in each filter (LRGB) using the Avian Starseeker 100mm EDO APO. I lost a green exposure to double stars and re-did two of the blue ones because of drift. Guided with PHD, QHY5 and my finderscope. Imaged with Atik383L+ and SXUVW-2S filter wheel fitted with Baader LRGB filters.



BST Rant

I hate British Summer Time!!!

I want dark nights at a reasonable time, not some time an hour later that means I either can't go out because it's not dark yet or that I end up going to bed at some rediculous time in the morning because I refuse to give in to it. Work suffers the next day of course 'cos I'm cream crackered.

Rant over.



Sunday 3 April 2011

M95 & M96

I did this one about three weeks ago, since then I've been out of the country. I'm really beginning to like the Avian Starseeker.....

This is a nice pair of spiral galaxies in Leo. M95 has a pronounced bar (the one to the right).



Sunday 27 March 2011

Southern hemisphere at last!

I've been away in Brazil this last week (I get to travel with work), we're doing some work with a shipyard south of Sao Paulo, at about -23.8 deg and 48deg W. This is the first time i've been in the southern hemisphere.

And guessed it - it was mostly cloudy at night (the astronomer's curse strikes again). I did get to see Sirius directly overhead on Thursday night, but no southern Milky Way or Magellanic clouds.



Saturday 19 March 2011

Avian Starseeker first light.

Really, this session started out as no more than a quick test of the telescope with the camera.

It wasn't a particularly good night (6th March) so i was just hoping to see what I was going to need in the way of extension tubes to get a good focus with the camera. I put in the 75mm extension tube and pointed the scope to a brightish star (Betelgeuse), and used Maxim to take focus frames while I found the focus.

As it happened that didn't take as long as I was expecting so I decided to have a go at something not too tricky as it was a mediochre night.

So I slewed over to M35 and took 5 off 30 second exposures in each filter followed by 10 flat frames in each filter.

When processed I got this....

...which isn't bad at all, so all in all a successful night and a reasonable first light image.



Tuesday 1 March 2011

It arrived

The Avian Starseeker arrived today after a failed attempt yesterday.

Need to try it out on some good skies, but it feels like it will be a good investment.


Saturday 26 February 2011

Avian Starseeker

I decided to get a bit more aperture for the short focus imaging scope. So I've ordered an Avian Starseeker from Ace Cameras. This is a 100mm F6 ED Doublet Refractor and it has got some good reviews.

When I get it I'll take some pics and do a review of it for the website and the blog.

Compared to the WO Megrez 80II FD, I'll get about 1.56x light grasp and 1.25x better resolution. The focal length is 600mm as opposed to 555mm so the image scale will be slightly larger (i.e. it will give a smaller field of view), but I'm expecting the images to be much the same sort of view.

Also at F6 instead of F6.9 it is a faster scope, so I should record relatively more photons in a given time.

Will need some clear night though.




Oh dear, the weather is awful. I haven't been able to get out into the observatory for a follow on session for the Cone Nebula. By the time a clear night arrives it will probably be too late and I'll have to wait until next year.



Sunday 20 February 2011

2010 to 2011 season images uploaded to Cymbeline Observatory Website

I finished off the album of images that I've taken with the Atik383L+ camera and uploaded it to the website. Here's a taster,

I hope you enjoy the new images.



Saturday 19 February 2011

Website updated.

I updated the website today. Over the next few days I will be putting a load of new stuff up there. I'll also try and keep posting here. I have a year's worth of images to go up and it has been an exciting and different year.

Friday 18 February 2011

First post using Blogger

Well, I had a go at blogging using Pivot, but it got a lot of abuse and umwanted registrations, so I've deleted it from the website and replaced it with this. Hopefully this will be easier to maintain from day to day. If this suffers the same way then I'll give it up.

